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Safe UT Smartphone App

833-372-3388 or (833-3SAFEUT)
Safe UT Smartphone App

833-372-3388 or (833-3SAFEUT)

Suicide Prevention
General info

Available 24/7, 100% confidential, free. The SafeUT Crisis Chat and Tip Line is a statewide service that provides real-time crisis intervention to youth through live chat and a confidential tip program – right from your smartphone. Licensed clinicians in our 24/7 CrisisLine call center respond to all incoming chats and calls by providing:

  • supportive or crisis counseling,
  • suicide prevention, and
  • referral services.

We can help anyone with emotional crises, bullying, relationship problems, mental health, or suicide-related issues. Call: 833-372-3388 or (833-3SAFEUT). Talk and text options available through the app.