Accessibility Tools

The Utah Pride Center understands health disparities are unjust and preventable. Our vision is to build individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support, and advocacy. At the Utah Pride Center, we have designed our community health efforts to be inclusive to all.

The Utah Pride Center utilized Community Health Workers, our frontline public health ambassadors, and health educators, to support and empower members of the LGBTQIA+ community with the following:

  • Navigation of mental and medical health services and resources
  • Assistance with finding and applying for culturally appropriate social services
  • Access to medical vaccinations (HIV, COVID, etc.)
  • Weekly insurance benefits and coverage assistance (Take Care Utah)
  • Setting and achieving health goals
  • Monthly legal aid and support (Rainbow Law Clinic)
  • Gender affirming peer connection and support
  • Serve as a liaison to help improve cultural competence of services and provide feedback
  • UPCOMING! Food and Clothing Support

Our community health workers serve as a bridge between our community, healthcare systems, and state/local health departments and want to work with you! If you need support or guidance around community health resources, please reach out to the Utah Pride Center's Community Health Workers.

A Community Health Worker is not a Case Manager. Our CHW’s comes from, live in, and have shared background, barriers, and experiences with the individuals and communities we serve. Our CHW's are trusted voices within the LGBTQIA+ Utah Community and want to empower and support you!


Free HIV Testing Clinic

In partnership with the Salt Lake County Health Department, the Utah Pride Center hosts regular free HIV test clinics. No appointment necessary! We'll answer any questions or concerns you might have. We recommend sexually active people get tested regularly, so don't postpone your health and come get tested! 

Health Insurance Help

Every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm, our partners at Take Care Utah come to the Utah Pride Center to answer all your questions about health insurance. The goal of this service is to help you and your family get and keep affordable health care coverage, and use your benefits wisely. Learn how to apply for Medicaid or CHIP for your kids or learn about other options for insurance and care. No matter what you need, Take Care Utah is here to help you take charge of your health. No appointments are needed, and people will be seen on a first-come first-served basis.